Monday, April 22, 2024

Jesus Cries Too

Shout out to Jabari, our awesome waiter at B-dubs.
Thank you for accepting my card.  I pray you would be encouraged by my writing.

I bet you never thought of this. The very thought makes me sad. I'm sorry. You all are probably thinking, “What are you talking about Sam?”

Jesus crying. Am I correct? I know that is sad. Let me give you a Deep Thought. Jesus is 100% God, but also 100% human. Let's talk about Jesus' human side. Just like any human, Jesus also had feelings. He would laugh. He would smile. He would get mad. And yes, he would cry.

Now, I'm thinking about the death of loved ones. My cousin recently passed away. My friend whom I have known since I was fifteen passed away years ago. I could keep going with more loved ones that have passed away. And each time I've cried,and I was sad. That comes with being human.

Remember what I said earlier about Jesus being 100% human and 100% God? I know. I know. That might confuse you, but we don't have to understand it. But, we just have to believe it. I'm remembering what my recently deceased Pastor said. Pastor Yount’s famous saying was, “God said it. I believe it. That settles it.”

Anyway, now back to my writing. It does say in the Bible, I think it was the only time written in scripture that Jesus Christ cried. It was when his friend Lazarus died. He loved him so much. He was one of his best friends. Yes, when Lazarus passed away, yes, even Jesus cried too.

Jesus Cries - Riley Clemmons

John 11:32-37

32 When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died”

33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. 34 “Where have you laid him?” he asked.

“Come and see, Lord,” they replied.35 Jesus wept.
36 Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”
37 But some of them said, “Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?”

Spanish Version
Pensamientos Profundos de Samantha

Apuesto a que nunca pensaste en esto. El solo pensamiento me entristece. Lo⁰
lamento. Probablemente todos estén pensando: "¿De qué estás hablando Sam?"
Jesús lloro. ¿Estoy en lo correcto? Sé que es triste. Déjame darte un
pensamiento profundo. Jesús es 100% Dios, pero también 100% humano.
Hablemos del lado humano de Jesús. Como cualquier ser humano, Jesús
también tenía sentimientos. Él se reiría. Él sonreiría. Se enojaría. Y sí, lloraría.
Ahora estoy pensando en la muerte de mis seres queridos. Mi prima falleció
recientemente. Mi amigo al que conozco desde que tenía quince años falleció
hace años. Podría seguir adelante con más seres queridos que han fallecido. Y
cada vez que lloré estaba triste. Eso viene con el ser humano.
¿Recuerdas lo que dije antes acerca de que Jesús es 100% humano y 100%
Dios? Lo sé. Lo sé. Eso podría confundirte, pero no tenemos por qué
entenderlo. Pero sólo tenemos que creerlo. Estoy recordando lo que dijo mi
Pastor que recientemente fallecio. El famoso dicho del pastor Yount’s fue:
“Dios lo dijo. Yo lo creo. Eso lo resuelve."
De todos modos, ahora volvamos a mi escrito. Lo dice en la Biblia. Creo que
fue la única vez escrita en las Escrituras que Jesucristo lloró. Fue cuando murió
su amigo Lázaro. Lo amaba tanto. Era uno de sus mejores amigos. Y sí, cuando
Lázaro falleció, sí, hasta Jesús también lloró.

Muchas Gracias, Shey Banda Segura! :) Te amo, mi hermana!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Doubting the God of Possible

Ooops!  I know.  I know.  I didn't get a chance to write the whole week, but this time I have a legit excuse.  My left hand has been tingling all week like it is right now.  That's why Joe will help me write this one.  I had to wait until the weekend when Joe is not working, but I'm at least doing it.

Today I am going to write about doubting.  I know I've written about it before, but I feel like there's someone out there that is doubting right now.  Is this writing for you?  I hope it helps.

Before I wrote something about doubting during my wedding.  If you haven't read it, I suggest you read it on the link below.  It might help you.

You doubt.  She doubts.  He doubts.  They doubt.  I doubt.  We all doubt.  Doubting is a human thing.  We are all human.  Are you having doubts about something right now?  Did you ask God what you should do?  Did he tell you in your heart to do it or not do it?  Did you even listen?

Okay, let's say you did listen.  But now you're doubting.  Why?  Do you believe God knows what's best for you?  Think about that.  I'll wait...  Okay.  What do you feel?  Yup, I said it once and I'll say it again.  God knows what's best for you.  

Now, let's divert this to someone who will remain nameless.  Sometimes people are in a constant state of doubting that they don't even realize it.  This person sometimes just lowers their expectations so that they won't get disappointed.  Are you like this person?

Now, let me share another time when I and my husband totally doubted something.  And God did what he does best.  He helped us.  When my husband and I were not in a good place financially, we had doubts about being able to tithe to our church.  We thought that since we were in a bad spot, God would understand.  Yet, even as we were thinking this, God was really tugging at Joe's heart.  He knew that we can't give reluctantly but cheerfully.  If he wasn't giving tithes and offerings the way God intended, God would not accept them and bless us for them.  So, we decided to give as much as we can with our budget and gradually raised it whenever we can.  As a result, God has blessed us abundantly.  We never had a problem with money again.

I hope you all get what I'm trying to say.  Stop doubting what God is telling you.  He will never steer you in the wrong direction.  He will never.

James 1:6 ESV

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.

Proverbs 3:5-8 ESV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.

Matthew 21:21 ESV

And Jesus answered them, “Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen.

2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Katy Nichole - "In Jesus Name (God of Possible)"

Here is the link to my other Writing:

Monday, January 16, 2023

It's Almost Gone

Do you ever hear the saying, "If you don't use it, you will lose it?" If not, let me tell you guys that it's true. It just now hit me why my voice has been so weak lately.  

I mean people could not understand what I was saying anymore. And it's sad.

I stopped for a long time doing this writing.  I don't even have a reason why. Well, I mean a really legit reason.  And, because I stopped doing what the Lord wanted me to do, He woke me up.   That is why I'm doing my writing again.

I mean, thank God my voice is not totally gone.  When I did the last writing way back in October, I should have known.  But, I didn't know and I thank God for not totally taking my voice away.

I feel really sad that I was abusing my talent for writing.  The Lord was probably really sad because he was watching me every day not using the talent that he gave me.  I wasn't writing like I used to.  Remember, I would be praising God or giving Him glory about something?  But, I stopped doing that.

Now that my hands and voice are weak, that's totally going to change things because I'm going to need more help with these writings.  I can only pray that Joe can help me with the non-writing.  (Joe here helping by the way :))

So, please pray for me that I would continue my writing the way I used to because I don't want to lose it.  I hope you all are encouraged because I am encouraged.  Stay tuned!

PS.  Since my voice is weak still, I'm going to stick with just writing for now.  I will start adding audio again WHEN God gives me the strength to do it again.

1 Peter 4:10 ESV

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:

Matthew 25:29 ESV

For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.  (See Parable of Talents.)

Philippians 4:13 ESV

13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Let's pray that I can one day do my writing on Audio like I used to.  Praising the Lord verbally is like sweet sweet honey to my lips and holy water on my skin.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Not Your Fault

Play For The Audio Version

Audio will be in parts.  I'm still trying to get my voice back.  Thanks.

 I know have been gone many months!  Or, maybe I should say, as you young ones like to say.  I know I have been gone for a minute. Maybe I should say long minute. I know I never really  understood that. I don't really know the logistics of using the word. I'm an 80's girl. Anyway.

Now, I'm definitely not trying to make coamparisons. Nor, am I saying one year is better than the other. I am just repeating what I saw on TikTok. 

So, yeah I totally regret my absence. A lot of reasons went into that absence.  Now, that I think of the reasons why? I definitely think they were quite stupid. What I did was I let the evil one get a foothold. He may have won last time. But the goal for me is to never stop writing again. See, God gave me the gift of writing and to encourage people. And, satan does not want me to utilize my gift or to encourage people with the word of God.  And I'm sad to say that it took me some time to realize that.  But, better late than never. So, with all that said I ask you guys to keep me in prayer that I will continue to do my writings always. Thank you! Now, let's dive in!

I think many people will be interested in what I'm going to write about today. I used to think one way. But, then I got saved and started reading the Bible. I spoke with other mature born again christian benevers.  And, I thought another way. I thought the correct way!

What is Samantha talking about?  When I was a little girl  I do remember not being very obedient.Then, I grew out of that. I know you would think I would say  I became a good obedient girl. No, No no. I just grew out of grade school.  It was  time for high school. 

When I 1st started high school,  I didn't start hanging out with the right crowd. I did things I knew  weren't right. In the back of my mind I remember  a small incident involving cops.  But, definitely nowhere near how crazy the world is today.  Not much shootings!

Before I was in a relationship with the Lord...., Before I read and studied  The Bible I thought wrong.
I am going to combine my before I was a Christian thoughts with  how my life became and is now.

I hope you understand what I mean. What I am about to say Is not how I really feel. It is not true.
Sad to say some people actually feel that way.

What I am thinking about is this.Some people actually believe that whatever they did in their past has something to do with what will happen to them in their future.  So. because of all the bad that I did  in my past?  That is why God gave me MS.

OK 1st of all I don't believe that God gave me MS.  I don't know where exactly it came from. I  have my thoughts. God allowed for me to have it.   I also know that having MS did strengthen my relationship with God!  I definitely grew closer to the Lord.

As far as the Lord punishing you, for past sins? That is just not true.  I've heard that before. I've heard people talking about themselves. I have heard from parents saying  The Lord was punishing their children because of the parents' sin.

To reiterate stop thinking like that. I mean if that's the way you think that is.  I'm talking about blaming yourself for your  Children's lifelong illness.  Because it was not your fault!  So stop racking your brain going down memory lane  Trying to remember what you did wrong in life.

OK I'm going to end this writing for now. Please feel free to check if my deep thoughts Coincide with The Bible. And definitely will be more descriptive. A very interesting story.  Well, I hope I remember how to share.

Mercy Me: Dear Younger Me

Monday, February 14, 2022

News To Me ( Don't Fear )

Play For The Audio Version

Before I start my writing,  Let me 1st give a shout out to Pauline, Anne, my doctor's wife Audrey, and Jocelyn-s friend. I hope you all have a wonderful day!  Thank you guys for accepting my card .Before and lately as well!
It was news to me. Seriously, I had no idea. Deep Thought never crossed my mind. 

What on Earth is Sam talking about? I'm talking about this thing I just discovered after reading a devotional from my Daily Bread a couple of months ago. I had no idea that Charlie Brown, the popular comic strip was such a promoter of Jesus! " Linus from the Peanuts comic strip, is best known for his blue security blanket. He carries it everywhere and isn’t embarrassed at needing it for comfort. His sister Lucy especially dislikes the blanket and often tries to get rid of it. She buries it, makes it into a kite, and uses it for a science fair project. Linus too knows he should be less dependent on his blanket and lets it go from time to time, always to take it back. 

In the movie A Charlie Brown Christmas, when a frustrated Charlie Brown asks, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” Linus, with his security blanket in hand, steps center stage and quotes Luke 2:8–14. In the middle of his recitation, as he says, “ Fear not,” he drops his blanket—the thing he clung to when afraid. What is it about Christmas that reminds us we don’t need to fear? 

The angels that appeared to the shepherds said, “Do not be afraid . . . a Savior has been born to you” (Luke 2:10–11). Jesus is “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). We have His very presence through His Holy Spirit, the true Comforter (John 14:16), so we don’t need to fear. We can let go of our “security blankets” and trust in Him." Linus and his security blanket A Charlie Brown Christmas- Our Daily Bread Ann Cetas December 20, 2021

Now, to reiterate I had no idea of this newfound discovery. How encouraging! I hope it is for you guys as well.
Makes me think back to when I was a little girl. Remember I always say that it's not that I have a good memory. I just feel like the Lord makes me remember things especially when it's relevant to my writing. Like my memory for today. 

Similar to Linus I too had some form of security. However, it was not a blue blanket. It was a white Teddy bear. His name was Pootee! That is PUTI in the philippine language. If you want to hear the correct pronunciation I suggest doing what I did. I asked my Google assistant on my phone how to spell the word for white in the Philippine language. 

Of course, if you don't have Alexa or Siri you can probably ask another AI. Or, ask your parents if they can check it out in an encyclopedia. Those were books we used to get... You know what? Never mind just Google it! 

Anyway, like I was saying the fact that Linus was bringing up scripture? And, talking about not needing to fear and just putting your trust in Jesus!? That was pleasantly surprising to me. Good news has to be heard by all!

Isaiah 41:10

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand 

 Joshua 1:9

 For God
 gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 

Psalm 34:4 

I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.

Chris Tomlin - Fear Not

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Play For The Audio Version

What do you guys think the true meaning of Christmas is? Take the letters, CHRIST, in the word, Christmas. Now, what does that spell? Could that be pertaining to Jesus Christ?
Yes, it is! Yes, it does! Friends Jesus Christ is the reason for the season! Jesus Christ is what makes Christmas day!

Did you not know that?

When you hear songs around Christmas singing about a baby born in the manger? Who do you think that is about? When you hear stories about a baby born from Virgin Mary? Who do you think that is about?

Friends the Christmas season is about Jesus Christ! No, friends. The Christmas season is not about candy canes. Not about Christmas trees with pretty Christmas lights.

Nope, it's not about spending fun family or friends time together. It's not about singing Christmas carols together. Nope, it's not about the Christmas gifts we get for people or received from people as well.

Don't get me wrong. Oh, I understand what a wonderful thing those things seem to be. We all enjoy gifts at times!!!

Wow, well this kind of makes me sad. People are so far from the truth. People are so far from the reason for this season.

I guess this is where you are going to hear about the birth of Jesus Christ! And, I would be so glad to tell you this story.

Avalon:  Born on Christmas Day