Sunday, April 7, 2019


Play for the Audio Version

For those of you who personally know me or for those of you who are pretty devoted reader of this blog, know one thing. And, that is Samantha is no longer a working lady. 

Nope, I mean like Sam can no longer work a 9 to 5 type of job. I don't even work an 11 to 7:30 job. Basically I don't work any type of job at any time. I'm not doing what a normal late 30 year old woman should be doing in my day and age. And, that is leave home everyday and go to their place of 

employment. I'm not considered a career lady. How do I feel about that? Well, of course it really sucks because my nature is me being a personable person. So, I need to be around people everyday. But, it's all good. Really it is now. You know why? I'll tell you why. It is all good because I'm used to it. 

It has almost been 20 years. I would say I'm used to it. Also, God told my heart something. And, that is that he has a plan for my life. And, I'll still be working but not an every day type of job that I'm thinking. 

Nope God will be my boss. He really is my boss. And He told my heart, oh he's going to use the gifts that he's given me. But, he's going to put a little spin on it.


I believe right now he has a job for me to do. 
And, that is what I've been doing for more than 10 years. Can you believe it's been that long? 

I am talking about what I'm doing at Starbucks. Every few days during the week. Yes folks I believe I have what one would call a Starbucks Ministry. 

And,my definition in a few sentences. My Starbucks Ministry is this. Getting a yummy  decaffeinated cup of coffee and sharing the name of Jesus with people I meet or in writings like when I write in my blog. Have a nice day everyone

Oh Nelly I almost forgot to give  shout-outs! Not today! Shout out to Andy and Roz. My friends at church. Shout out to Dre, the front guy doorman at my condo. I pray that all of you will be encouraged by the writings! Have a wonderful Sunday!

Hillary Scott and the Scott family: Thy Will Be Done

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