Sunday, March 10, 2019

Power Series Part 99: Power of the Right Path

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"When you have a problem with something, don't go to the phone, go straight to the throne." That was said by charismatic author, Christian and speaker, Joyce Meyers.

How true is that saying right? How often we don't really follow that huh? Think about it. We like to hear advice from other people first or validation from other people that our thinking is the only right way of thinking.

We may ask for advice then we choose to listen to it. However, do we really follow it? I mean all the time? We should be going straight to God first and letting Him speak to our hearts. Letting Him reveal to our hearts what it is we need to see.

Maybe, when we go to God first, we will feel in our heart he wants us to go to someone. So, they can speak to people what God wants to put in our heart. You ever think about that? That might very well happen. I believe that God can speak to you through people's words.  How often we fail to check in at the throne with God first right? We get so wrapped up in our own thing and feelings we forget about God and getting His thing and feelings.

We need to begin with going to the throne first and not the phone. Let's try to stay on the right path. You with me?


Hebrews 4:16 

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need 

Revelation 4:2 

Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and One sitting on the throne. 

Matthew 10:20 NASB 

For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.

Selah: Before the Throne of God Above

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