Thursday, November 6, 2014


We all get angry.  It's a given. I really don't think it would be fair to single people out and pick on people who actually go through similar yet various levels of being angry.  So, I'll  just really focus and put all the criticism on myself. And, maybe whoever reads this may be able to make a correlation with themselves as well.  My goal is for others to feel encouraged and not alone.  And, if people find my writings helpful then that is an added plus!

Ok, here goes I get angry at others. I get angry at myself.  I get  angry at things that are not even worth my time or anger. I get angry. I wouldn't label myself as a person who has some serious issues with anger and should enroll myself in some type of group of angry people who really need help. Although, who knows perhaps,  there are some people reading this who do get easily angered and do suffer from deadly anger and really do need some serious help? Maybe they should? I really don't know.

What do I do when I get angry? Well, after the hurricane of anger surpasses.  Utilize your mind to formulate what all goes in that hurricane. I'll give you a hint and maybe you can add on to it. Cussing, putting people down or saying words you later regret, etc. Am I causing a Eureka moment? See told you, we all go through it. So, how do I deal with it? Well, let me disect a time when I was really angry.  First of all, never keep your anger secret or hold it in. That would just be disastrous.  And,  if held in the true anger is bound to erupt at a time not even pertaining to the current act.  Believe me, that just leaves one dumbfounded because he or she was not aware of the act that genuinely made you angry. Tell the person!

Give yourself some distance from the person you are angry with.  It gives you and the other angry person time to calm down and collect your thoughts. If the parties are stuck together like in a car don't cover your ears! I know it's tempting at times.  The other person will hate it.  Because,  it is making them think you are blocking them out and not listening to their words. Believe me, that would not be good.  And unless you are being asked questions, keep silent.  PRAY!

The next thing I try to do.  And everything I am writing out right now, seriously my heart wants to do and sometimes I do try to do what I am writing.  The operative word being try ok?   I know the next thing is hard.  But, again wait until the hurricane is over.  Then,  I begin by apologizing for my mistakes, and if I hurt the person in anyway, by my actions or wods.  I definitely do not begin pointing out his or her mistakes. I am pretty sure he or she knows they hurt me as well. I let God speak to their hearts and hopefully they will listen,  But, It is not my place to point it out.  I guess I just should choose to be forgiving but I am still working on that.   I apologized and then it is up to that person to be forgiving or not.

There are most likely other steps I follow, but this is all I remember for now. Hope it is helpful! Sometimes, it really takes time for true forgiveness to soak in.  We can say it with our mouths but it may take awhile to travel to our hearts. I think that makes perfect sense. Because, when I am ticked off it doesn't rapidly turn the switch to being "ok.."  So, I guess we have to let time be the x-factor for
complete healing.

Here are some verses that may give you deeper thoughts...

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