Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The S Word

Yesterday, me and my other caregiver, Kiyah spent some time downtown wheeling around, and her walking around. I was even able to get a free makeover. 

First in Starbucks I met this guy Joe. He was very nice and I had asked him for a cup of hot water. Then we were walking around the streets of downtown and my caregiver ended up talking to this guy Leon. Gave him a card as well. Then, we were just sitting down in one of the resting spots downtown with good scenery and there was this girl Jessica sitting next to us. I gave her a card. 

Then, our mini adventure continued at Block 37. That was a cute little mall on State Street. One of the security ladies, Khadijah told us about free samples of frozen yogurt at the GNC store. I gave her a card.

Today, well I was putting away my makeup and of ofcourse I dropped it. Thank you to Pruva and Katie for graciously accepting my card! I'm praying that everyone of you who received my card yesterday will be encouraged by my writings!

Okay, today I'm going to write about some of my deep thoughts  concerning the s word. You guys may agree with my thoughts or  you may not want to have anything to do with them. Hey that is your opinion!

First of all I'm assuming you'll know what I'm talking about when I say the s word. Sex people. I'm talking about sex. Did you know that sex is a gift from God? Did you know that God is pretty clear and detailed with His commands of how one should deal with that stuff. Most if not everyone do enjoy sex, I am assuming. However, there are those select few that don't, maybe due to various reasons. Seriously, I spoke with some woman one-time who said she wouldn't mind if she never had sex again. I had no comments. However, I was thinking she didn't mind but what about her husband?

You know what? I blame the media. We should blame the media! Why? Because music videos, TV shows, movies, and all that kind of stuff glamorizes sex with anyone at anytime, in any place. You guys agree with me on that?

There are people out there who probably think that sex is harmless. Well yeah if used in the right way. Can you imagine how many families would still be together, how many suicides would not have happened, how many people would not have gone to jail because of murder of the other man or the other woman? There are probably other things that might not have happened if there's no adultery. Children conceived out of wedlock would be welcomed rather than hated. My mind just can't think of anymore right now.

Pastor Greg Laurie said in one of his devotions one time this. He honestly thinks that other people don't think God likes sex. I know! Pastor Greg thinks it's crazy too! Why would God create something he hates. Sex brings people together. Sex is a good thing. God wants good things for his people.

We the people, God created; well some of us people are the ones who should get the blame! I've known people who have been in marriages where adultery was involved. I've heard of it. I have probably seen many couples fighting on talk shows about it.

The "s word" outside of marriage more than usually results in disaster. I can't explain what the disaster is. But, I will say it varies to the point of breakups, murder, and maybe worse.

Let me end this writing with a story. I remember some years ago talking with this one man who was driving the Paratransit minivan. I have no idea and cannot remember how we got on the subject talking about adultery after giving him a church Bulletin. I don't remember much of that conversation but I wanted to share what I do remember.

When one spouse falls away and commits adultery, we know that Satan loves that. God hates that! God even put it in the Ten Commandments. Don't do that! Remember, God is all about togetherness. Be together with your spouse. Are you being separated or spreading far away from your spouse? I remember the driver showing me with his hands the act of doing things being separated. Satan loves.  separation things being spread apart. God loves togetherness.

You shall not commit adultery. Exodus 20 :1

Pastor Greg Laurie says,

"Outside of marriage, sex can be an extremely destructive thing. We need to keep sex in its proper place. If we would just do what God says in His Word, if we would just get back to what God tells us about marriage, it would transform our nation."

Jaci Velasquez: I Promise

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