Thursday, April 25, 2019

What Are You Looking At?

Play for the Audio Version

Shout out to Kim and her co-worker Pam at her work. Shout out to this man Chris too. I'm praying you all will be encouraged by the writings!

What are you looking at? Do people that say that you? so glad I decided to do an audio version of my writings now, cuz I can totally speak my point. Okay, the real true meaning behind that phrase or other phrases for that manner, lies with how you say it. Aka the tone.

Pay attention. Exhibit a. What are you looking at? (Innocent and sad sounding) exhibit b. What are you looking at? ( mad sounding like was just caught in the act I'm doing something bad) exhibit c.  What are you looking at? (Maybe playful or kind of like flirting a little) 

My point is the importance of intonation AKA the 'I' word. In today's day and age, what is popular among everyone from youth to elders is texting. And one needs to be careful because they may read the text but be totally wrong in geting how the
person is interpreting the text. Or, it might have been the person sending it's bad because they didn't really read what they wrote and they accidentally say something about like their brother doing heroin. (LOL, that actually happened to me I was trying to text my aunt and I accidentally was talking about my brother doing heroin? First of all I don't have a brother so how can he be doing heroine? My aunt just laughed, because she gets it.

Fellow believers whether you are speaking to people on the phone or in person oh, how is your tone? Of course the words you choose to say is important. However, so is your tone. Right? 

I guess we really have to watch more when it is speaking over the phone or on messenger or on text. At least when you're in person, the other one can figure out how you are trying to communicate by your facial expression. Which is also something you need to be mindful of at those times.

What's coming to mind is when believers try to share their faith tried to share Jesus Christ with unbelievers. There are times it's difficult enough when we are correctly using intonation speaking about God. Imagine how it is if Christians use of intonation is all over the place? That would not be good. They're trying to get their focus on Jesus, not bizarre sounding grammar. Or, people and Sam really read your replied texts. Be careful of not jotting down words about your sibling or non sibling and their drug addiction. LOL. Sorry again Auntie Juney! :*D

I'm back on my blog it's 5 p.m. and fixed it up.
I knew it was crazy sounding cuz my fingers
and vocal muscles were kind of weak earlier.
Thank you all for understanding. As said in the past if the writing has weird grammar and just sounds so bizarre then stop reading and return later. That's all. When I feel better I'll eventually fix it!

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Colossians 4:6 

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

Bee Gees: Words

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