Thursday, May 9, 2019


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Before I begin my writing, let me give a shout out to Ali and her 2 daughter's Diann Dianek. I also want to say hi to  Gloria and Alex! And pray you'll be encouraged by the writings. Have a great day!

Yes, my husband is the head of the wife. So, I know and many times I definitely try to understand that he has the 2nd to God's final say.I give it up to God first. Then, wait for the husband to speak.

So, the next person that comes to mind as being a mentor is my Pastor. He is more educated than me or my husband about the word of God. So, does that make sense? I think he's like a mentor to me and my husband.

For example, I had a pretty serious question. I first gave it to Joe. Then he did not know the answer so he told me to ask Pastor. 

What about you guys? Can you think of someone you call as a mentor? A good definition of mentor says Alexa is a "wise and trusted counselor as a teacher." Oh I know. I'll say my husband, Joe is a loving with Benefits mentor. And then we have my pastor who's a mentor. That sounds good.
In the bible, Elijah was  being entor to Elisha.
Moses was a mentor to Joshua. Paul was a mentor to Timothy. Check those people out in the Bible when you have time.
That me end my writing by asking you guys again. Who do you see as your Mentor. Who's the first person you turn to when you have a question about an about anything? 

Let's pray. Dear God thank you for bringing people into our lives that can be our mentors! I pray that they would always have wise counsel. I pray for ourselves that when we are being the mentor, we also would have wise counsel. We love you Lord we praise you in Jesus name. Amen!

Ephesians 5:23

For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.

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