Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Play 4 audio version

I don't know about you guys, but just that word gives off a bad vibe. You know what I mean? This is how GA ( Google Assistant) defines criticism: 1. the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes. "he received a lot of criticism"

Eww. Now that is a yucky way to look at criticism. I once heard that a synonym for critic would be an attacker. Well, that definitely sounds negative. Have you ever found yourself
or maybe seen it in your loved ones as people who have expressed unfavorable opinions about something?

Then, I think of movie critics. I don't see any harm in that. They just give their critique on movies. Should you watch them? Should you not? What they're about?

Also, another way of not negative criticism is this. When one offers their opinion of constructive criticism. When one offers valid well-reasoned opinions about the work of others? That is OK right? As long as they do that in a friendly manner, I don't see anything wrong with that. It should be welcomed by many people.

What does the Bible say about criticism? Let me offer a couple of verses

Matthew 7:1-5 

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

James 4:11-12 

Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? 

Lauren Daigle: You Say

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