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Be honest, do any of you guys ever feel like the title of my writing? If you say no then you're probably lying. LOL Because, that would mean you are perfect. And, there's no meaning to the word perfect. Moving on.
I could dive into many reasons why I feel like a failure. However, I'm only going to stick with one topic of why I feel like I am a failure. I'm going to keep this writing clean yet very real. Let's take this example.
Sometimes I really do feel like a failure when I offer my card to somebody at Starbucks or wherever and they say no. They don't want it!
Well, Samantha is a failure. Did I not smile enough? Was my voice annoying? Were the words not eloquent enough? Oh my gosh, was I giving off a weird odor from I don't know what?!
Then, after all that crazy thinking I get a knock to my heart. The Holy Spirit letting my heart know nope, they just did not want to accept your card. They did not same like in the past, want to accept me. (Jesus) Then I get a feeling letting my heart know that God was proud of me. I offered his name to somebody. It was not my fault if they would or would not choose to accept him.
Fellow Christians, that's what we need to remember. I confess I forget that sometimes, but I really should always remember. My friend Joyce, our pastor's wife used to always remind me that we are not our husbands Holy Spirit. That really goes with my reading for the day.
Fellow Christians, people that we meet and know need to make up their own minds and decide for themselves if they want to accept Jesus. Friends, you can force your loved ones to go to church with you every Sunday oh, but you can't force them to believe what they're listening to. Friends, you can force them to read the Bible with you. But, you can't force them to believe what they're reading. You probably can force your loved ones to go to a weekly prayer meeting with you. However, you can't force them to believe in who theyre praying to. Do they even want to pray? I guess you can force them to pray. But, definitely cannot force them to share a prayer with you that will have heartfelt meaning or spiritual passion that comes directly from the soul.
When I told my husband sometimes that I feel like such a failure. He tries to make me feel better by saying this. "You're not a failure. At least you tried and some people don't even do that." Oh yeah huh? I guess I will call myself a person who tries but
Sometimes fails. :) :(
Consider this. Do you think that God allows so much failure to happen in people's lives, so people can learn? I mean people can learn from their failures so they don't repeat it. Hmm... Interesting Deep Thought aye?
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make
straight your paths.
Psalm 55:22
Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.
1 Corinthians 10:11
Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come.
Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.
Fail us not
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