Wednesday, October 20, 2021

From Mess to Message

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lBefore I forget I want to get the shower on too to Doctor Shin  And Sandra..  Thank you too for accepting my card and I pray you will be encouraged by the writings. Have a blessed day!

Days ago I heard that Robin Roberts from  Good Morning America had a famous quote she likes to say. And, then a few days later I heard the same exact quote as one of the titles of my daily bread devotional readings. It was "From your mess to your message." 

I know! Isn't that so clever? Immediately, I thought oh wow all the mess that has happened in my life can totally be a message to someone who may be going through something similar. It may be helpful to someone who totally needs this message!  Ask anyone of my loved ones because I always say I can write a book with my life stories.

Actually, before that though I thought "Wow,  God must have really wanted me to hear this so I can get something out of this message. And, now I know it's because He wanted me to write about this today!

So, maybe you can guess what my reading is about today. :) 1st of all I just wanted to apologize to God and you guys  because I kinda have been slacking off on doing my readings. I know! I do remember when I used to do one everyday!  I know right. What did happen?

Yeah, the Lord's totally convicting my heart on that one. So, I'm at least going to try to get back to doing that.  If not the audio as well? Then, at least have a writing you guys can read. Then maybe the audio the next day or something?

Hey, maybe God wanted me to slow down? You know so you guys can go back and read past writings that you never were able to read before.  Yeah that's it!

No, don't even Sam!  Do I really think that is the reason God  wanted me to slow down yeah slow down on my writings?
Nope shame on Sam!  I am not going to try to make excuses for myself. Seriously, what about my devoted readers who read my writings everyday? Prayer request for me to be willing to write/post daily again like I used to!

Now, let's focus on today's writing. Well, there definitely has been things in the past in my life?  That would constitute as being a mess. A mess that should be shared with others. Why?

Well, for their encouragement?  
For some advice?  I think of people  going through similar stuff I went through.

And, it's nice to hear various opinions and other people's thoughts. What is so and so thinking? What did that person choose to do?  How exactly did that person handle the situation?  I sure know that if it was me I would love to hear how others handled similar situations.

What do you think?  Does it sound helpful if you hear about someone else's mess? How did they handle it?  Please don't listen to it and share it like gossip. Listen to it and then, realize that the message was sent from God help you with your own mess.

Psalm 34:13

Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.

James 411

Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.

Proverbs 17:4

An evildoer listens to wicked lips, and a liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue

Such an encouraging message

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