Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Why Not Savor It?

My husband, Joe always astonishes me with how fast he can eat. Sometimes, I end up asking him why doesn't he savor what he eats? You know take some time and taste the food you eat.   He says he does, so I guess good for him.  I think for me if I were to eat that fast, well, anyway whatever. :) I think the bottom line is that we prefer and enjoy eating our foods at different paces.  We actually almost thought he was the quickest eater ever that we knew, until recently when one of my girl friends shocked Joe with how fast she ate.  She actually beat him at finishing the meal,  Joe said he had never seen anyone eat that fast ever. Albeit faster than him.

Anyway, food isn't all we need to savor in our lives.  You ever feel like your childhood years just flew by.  And, your left thinking wow where exactly did my childhood years go?  At the time,  I wanted to be old enough to be in high school.  Then I wanted to be old enough to drive so I can do whatever I wanted and just go out and hang out with friends and not have to always be homebound. Right?  We just always wanted to go out.. Then I wanted to speed up high school even more and decided to graduate early so I can start college a few weeks after graduation. That was crazy! huh? 

Fast-forward to the times of today and I have completed and proudly   graduated from UIC with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Communication.  I had a wonderful experience workiing at certain careers that catered to my degree.  One of my positions I enjoyed very much was when I was working as an Assistant  Producer at WBBM AM News radio

Now, while living in the adult years and having to undergo "adult" stresses like bills and stuff, sometimes I wish I could rewind back to those childhood years, when really the only stress was getting and F on a pop quiz or seeing your childhood crush with another boy or girl.  Those were the days right?

Now especially for me, due to my illness, life pretty much got a little bit more complicated and stressful than way back in my childhood years. There are times when my injection treatments are beyond painful and I'm left pondering and at times stating the very well known and current acronym, FML. I usually quickly renounce and regret saying or feeling that. because, friend think of what we are blessed with right? 

Let me end this writing with a bible verse and a mini excerpt from what Greg Laurie said. "But when Jesus  Christ is at the center of your life,. You can live a life that is rich and full on this earth—in spite of old age or limitations or infirmities. And then . . . beyond the grave, the best is yet to come! Just around the corner from this life is an eternal life so wonderful that we can't even put words to it."

Our bodies are like tents that we live in here on earth. But when these tents are destroyed, we know that God will give each of us a place to live. These homes will not be buildings that someone has made, but they are in heaven and will last for ever. (‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬ CEVUK00)

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