Tuesday, December 2, 2014

No Shows Suck

First of all, I just need to be thankful to even have a service that truly is a great and very usefull aid for disabled people who can't, don't, or really shouldn't drive.  Like most people, I received  my drivers license when I was 16 and drove.  I drove to friends houses, stores, school, church. And anywhere I needed to go.  When, I hit my age of the time my disability was creeping in, my eyes were the first thing really affected.  And, we all know we need good visiom, peripheral and such before we get behind the wheel. So, I don't drive at all.  My husband tells me maybe one day I will be able to.  I ask him from time to time if I can practice my driving skills at least in the parking lot? One day.....

Anyway, now if I want to go somewhere and have no loved one to bring me, I call Pace. They, are a service that I had interviewed for so I would be eligible for this service.  No doubt I am disabled right, so just by my disabled looking movements, I pretty much passed with flying colors. My interview was actually expedited because of a prior incident of me losing my balance when trying to catch a bus. I lost my balance  and fell under the bus.  Yup, different story but praise God I was OK right? If you heard the story it was a miracle if you asked me

You better believe I was praising God like crazy! My thought is God allowed that bad incident to happen because He had a plan. And, that plan had me have my interview for Pace expedited so I quickly got approved an am now a client of this service,

Now, I absolutely hate it most times.  Most times, the drivers are late. Sometimes they are even mean. And, you know what I really hate? I really hate when I am labeled a "no show," when I was there. There are a couple reasons they do that.  1. They are just lazy and don't even follow the notes that clearly say that they have to make contact,  2. They do try to make contact but since my facial features look normal they leave me.

I really hate that folks. It makes me feel like maybe if I dress all grubby with no makeup on and bring my walker, maybe yeah, then they won't leave me?!  NO! I am not gonna dress the part to play the part. This really isn't a movie!  I am disabled yes! And, I need assistance with certain things.   So, people do your job and assist me if I look disabled or if I don't have a disabled look.  Because I have MS, but I'm fighting it and not letting it win over me. God helps me everyday.  He helps me walk. He helps me see clearly, and he helps me with everything! He can help you too! Belieeee that!!!!

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