Thursday, December 18, 2014

The 10 Cents Bag

Well, first of all I want to apologize for my tardiness of updating my deep thoughts blog.  I am vacationing and attending the wake and funeral for my recently murdererd Great Uncle and deceased Great  Aunt. Staying on the west coast is really teaching me some things. First, of all I wasn't kidding when i mentioned in an earlier deep thought that God wakes me up whenever he wants(remember no alarm clock.) So far, I have been waking up pretty much my normal crazy early times like I do in Chicago.  No matter what time, I still always start my day with God and always feel and look well rested!

The second thing I currently discovered really got my attention.  Let me tell you what happened.  Ok, so my parents and husband and I stopped at the Target and Marshalll's here in San Francisco, California.  My mom was at the check out counter ready to pay and was asked if she wanted a bag.  Remember, we are from the Midwest so, duh we always get bags and never have to speak of the subject. Well, my mom said yes but seconds after she looked at the receipt and saw she paid 10 cents for the bag in addition to what she bought!  Bottom line, my mom wasn't too thrilled about that.  So, the next store she learned  her lesson about the bag and carried her purchase in her hand.

You know what that made me think about when I woke up and decided to make use of my early wake up time while everyone was still peacefully sleeping. I thought about our financial gifts God asks from us when we choose to tithe. For those of you who don't know, like I didn't know until I knew Christ, God is asking for 10% of what He gives us.  Yup, I didn't know that either.  I thought $1 was good enough to drop in the offering plate all the time.  Well, it would be enough if $1 was what came out of your 10%.  However lets say you make 2,000 a month. Ok, I stuck with whole numbers for this example because I am not a math major. :) So, if one makes 2k a month.  Then, that would be $200 of your pay check that goes back to God.  We could give in big increments like $100 every 2 weeks or smaller increments like $50 every week. Basically, whatever sits your financial capabilities. I know you all are probably thinking woah, that's a lot of money! And, yes it probably may appear to be a lot. However, friends think about how much money you are blessed to make because God blessed you with the way to make it right?And, all he is asking in return is 10%.

Please don't get me wrong, I really should practice all the time what I am preaching, so to speak.  But, believe me I know when there are times, we choose not to give the full 10% either because we are needing the money to pay bills or maybe you have been truly eyeing these pair of shoes you really want to purchase. Oh, I have been there. I guess all I have to say about that is God knows your heart. Friends, about finances if you aren't aware of what God wants you to do. Check it out in the bible, it's all there. One story I loved was reading about the poor widow who gave all she had to Jesus. And, friends I definitely am not saying that if you give that 10% God will bless you and make you a millionaire. Well, I don't actually know God's plans, so he may choose to if he likes.  But, I do believe he isn't making it a well if you do this then I will do that type thing. God wants us to give what is rightfully His, so why not give and watch how he will bless you!n Aren't you happy God isn't asking for extra money along with the initial request he makes?

Here is an example of how God blessed my husband with his tithing. Awhile ago, Joe decided he was going to be obedient and tithe the 10%. However, he couldn't afford the whole 10% so what he decided to do was begin with 3% then gradually go up from there.  God had a plan all along that God would bless  him with the ability to tithe up to the 10%. If God's children are obedient He will bless them!

Mark 12:41-44 NIVThe Widow’s Offering

41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting 
their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

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