Monday, December 17, 2018

Power Series Part 22: Power of Healing

Happy Monday! Welcome to the start of a new work week for most of you probably. Or a new school week? Let's dive in to today's writing!

First of all I would like to add a warning or disclaimer. I'm about to write about something that happened in my own life. Not exactly, words that will bring happy tears. So, read at your own discretion. 

I would say this was maybe a couple years ago now. Okay, those of you who personally know me know that in my 10 years of marriage, I have gotten pregnant 3x. Once was just maybe a few weeks. The other two were a little over four months. I know right! I thought that too! I thought once you hit 3 months, first trimester, baby would be all good! Unfortunately, that was not the case for me.

So long story short, this happened with the second and third child. Water broke at over four months. Second child-didn't even know I was pregnant until fertility doctor told me. The third- time  I didn't even know I was pregnant until my water broke. 

This is how the conversation went with the doctor both times. Water broke too early, no more water around the baby. You have two choices , 1. you can let us give you medicine and take out the baby now. Or you can 2. Wait to see if water will come about. But, if you start to bleed or if you get a fever of 100.4. You have got to come to the hospitital immediately and let us take the baby out because otherwise the infection maybe spread and you may die.

Wow right? Well, I knew what I wanted to do. I was and still am a woman of God. And I had faith that water would develop again. Joe probably looked at me like I was crazy. We prayed about it and talked about it and we decided on option 2.

I'll share what happened with the third child. Both children 2 and 3 passed away and Sam ended up with two DNC s. What happened with the third child, was of course we waited and the first day everything was good, the second day was good, the third day I wake up 2am to use the bathroom and Joe checks temperature and it is at 98-99 degrees. Time to go to the hospital. Called 911 and an ambulance takes Me away. I was so out of it, and ask Joe how that morning went but you can imagine he didn't really want to remember or speak about it. When I got to the hospital, they told me it's a good thing I got to the hospital because the baby needed to come out now!

I remember before I was knocked out from the anesthesia, I saw my husband
and he looked so sad. He looked really sad with tears.  I don't think he'll admit that or wants to remember that

Then comes my DNC.Sam was knocked out from the anesthesia. And, woke up to the faces of her mother-in-law and Mom!

I remember speaking with doctor M. She was so nice. She was in the operating room and she told me with tears in her eyes she was so scared, because she thought I was going to die. She loved my High Spirits. I told her thank you and not to worry because I didn't die because of her! :-)

I believe Jesus was with me throughout that whole ordeal. He's with me now! He's with you guys now! I have no idea why things panned out the way they did. For reasons I don't know, God still wants me on the Earth.  I guess that's a good thing right :-) He provided the ambulance. He provided good doctors who knew what they were doing and saved my life.

I think of Jesus and the woman with the Hemorrhage problem. Remember she was bleeding for like 12 years? She thought if she could just touch his cloak she would be healed. Now that is some strong faith! Jesus healed the lady when she touched his cloak and he felt power come out of him. Wow, what an encouraging story! This woman had so much faith, and he healed her!

Friends, do you have that kind of faith? Do I have that kind of faith is what I should ask myself. Do you need to be healed? Do I need to be healed of something? Think about that. And then ask Jesus to heal you. I can't tell you he will heal us right away. However I can encourage you and tell you he can heal us. So, be encouraged that we will be healed either in this life or in the afterlife. But, whatever he does is totally up to him.

I hope Dr. M. felt the glory of Jesus all around me that day I totally feel like everything that went on that day was a Divine appointment from God. And, thank you again Jesus for healing me that day!

Bleeding Woman

Psalm 147:3 

“He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.”

Point of Grace: 
Heal the Wound But Leave The Scar


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