Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Power Series Part 61: Power of the H.S.

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When we decide on taking that step of faith and walk through life with Jesus he promises to always be with us! Now, I'm not talking about literally or physically. But definitely at all times! He will forever live in our hearts!

Thousands of years ago, after the death and Resurrection of Jesus He went to be with his Father to prepare a place for his future children and all that good stuff. He did leave everyone who chose to embrace him as Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit. So, to this day if you know Jesus, then you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you!

The Lord is with us all the time. He doesn't guarantee that he will heal us from illnesses. There is no guarantee that he will answer our prayers the way we want them to be answered, in our favor. But, he does promise that he will never leave us.

He will go through whatever we're going through with us. Doesn't that seem nice to have someone by your side going through exactly the turmoil you have to go through? I think that's pretty cool.

That Deep Thought right there should be comforting to us!

Click 2 links

Leaving the HS

Preparing Place For Us

Encouraging thought of the day:

Francesca Battistelli: Holy Spirit

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