Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Power Series Part 62: Power Of Money

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Happy hump day! Due to the record-breaking and frigid cold and Chicago today,  I'm assuming  you have a day off work or possibly a snow day if you guys are  still  in school?

Before I get into my reading for the day, let me give a couple repeat shout outs and new people shout outs. First, to Barry. Thank you for stopping by my "meeting table " at Starbucks yesterday and saying hi to me! I pray you will continue to be encouraged by my writings and I pray your friend Steve will be encouraged by the writings as well!

Shout out to Rich! Thank you for getting a Starbucks worker over to me. Lastly, shout out to Candace's friend, Krissy, who will soon be getting my card Krissy, I do pray you will be encouraged by the writings. Have a blessed day you all!

Power series Part 62: Power of money. I think the more you keep repeating that, the more it becomes believable. The more it really starts to sound "real." Know what I mean? Come on go ahead and try it, "money....power...." See?

Money can either be an ugly curse or a beautiful blessing. Personally, for me and my husband, I'm going to shy away from calling myself stupid. And I won't stay that I am not mentally equipped to handle the finances Hmmm.... didn't I just tell make myself sound stupid? Oh well. HA! LOL. I think you guys know what I'm trying to say.

Joe, my husband is the math major and I have the BA in communications. Put two and two together. I'm not good with numbers. So I would say iJoe handling our finances makes it a blessing. If I were to do it, it would be a curse. Perhaps, a major fail on my part (right babe?)

Pause break. Shout out to a new Starbucks worker named Mona. Thanks for bringing me hot water! I pray you would be encouraged by the writings! Nice to meet you! Have a nice day!

Most times when I'm at Starbucks, I do see from afar homeless people at times asking for money. Some people agreed to it some people do not. I personally am one who will not give money because I even need help getting my wallet out of my purse. And don't really have the dexterity and the coordination, not to mention correct vision and all that good stuff. I will, however, give them food if it was right in front of me. Or, perhaps some biblical reading materials if I had some. What I try to to do but sometimes forget, is offer a smile.

I'm not saying all homeless people and deserving of one. I remember 1 homeless person was rather mean and verbally aggressive when it came to the delivery of wanting money. If this is the case, then definitely scream and somehow seek help. Find any means to leave their presence.

No matter what the situation money has power. It's up to you guys to make it out of their blessing or a curse. Before I leave, will you guys pray with me?

Matthew 6:21

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also

Proverbs 10:22  NIV

The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.

Proverbs 3:9  NIV

Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops.

Flame: Money (Christian Rap)


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