Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Power Series Part 87: Power of Feeling Crooked/Uneven

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I am right now going to make an educated assumption of how some other people may feel about my title. Let me elaborate more on what I mean by sharing some examples. Here goes.

There was a time I was in therapy and my therapist, Sarah, was helping me work out my legs. She did my right leg, then skipped my left leg. I had asked her to go back and do the same thing to my left leg.

She utilized a foreign phrase to me at that time. Well, at least I never heard the word ever used in that type of context. She had said, oh did I (Sam) feel crooked? To reiterate, I never had heard the word used in such a way. But, yes I guess that was how I felt. Because whatever she did to one of my legs, I expected her to do the same thing to the other leg.

Just a little bit ago earlier today, my husband took my contacts out because they were on me all day and I felt that they needed to come out. So, he took my left one out, then began to walk away. I quickly noticed and I said wait a minute I still had my right 1 in my eye. Then he said, he knew. He chuckled and said that he also knew that I didn't like being uneven. I said oh my! Then I took my contact off and put it back in the case he put right back in my face.

The word crooked has also been used in the Bible as well. Mostly to describe being unequally yoked with believers and unbelievers. Today I want to take another look at the word crooked and one of its synonyms.

Another way to describe crooked is bent. If you are bent, then, of course, you are not straight. And kind of wrote about this in one of my writings I did a few days ago. Remember the power of Brokenness. Remember I was saying that we really aren't broken. We are just really bent.

Just like I was feeling off, weirded-out, and kind of incomplete with my therapist when she almost forgot to even out the workout in my legs, something in me just noticed there wasn't something right. I really did feel crooked.

If you are really a child of God, then if you find yourself doing something you don't think the Lord wants you to be doing, your spirit will be convicted. You will feel severely off par so to speak.

That's one thing I noticed in my before Christian years and my after Christian years. I mean I felt bad before a little when I would sin. Just after I became a Christian, this feeling I get after I sin makes me feel really bad. Makes me feel like not only do I have to apologize but I need to repent.

I am so thankful. I'm very assured of my salvation. And this is the testimony, God has given us eternal life in this life is in his son. He who has the son has life. He who does not have the Son of God does not have life . 1 John 5 11-12  Thank you, Jesus.

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