Friday, March 15, 2019

Power Series Part 104: Power of Differences Conclu...

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Like how I purposely did not finish the word conclusion. I did that to make note that I am concluding the power series... Temporarily. That means I will go back to it again, someday, however, I'm going to go back to other topics first.

Today's writing will be the Power Series Part 104: Power of Differences. Joe knows I don't know why but I can only take a certain cereal for a little bit of time. Then I like to switch to another kind. He says I like my variety. He says I have different seasons when it came to cereals.

I can agree with that. Like when we go to restaurants I like tapas; like little taste testers on the foods or when we eat in Chinese restaurants I like dim sum. Again taste testers of different Chinese food. Or if we go to say McDonald's. I would order like the fish fillet. But, I'm feeling a Big Mac. So Joe would end up getting the Big Mac and I would eat half of my fish fillet and half of his big Mac and Joe would eat half of my fish fillet and half of his Big Mac.

Or, he would get chicken fingers and ranch dressing. And I would get chicken fingers and honey mustard and then we would just share. My husband knows for as long as I can remember, I like variety. Like when we go to Golden Nugget, and I get coffee, and there's only one creamer, I have to ask the waitress for an assortment of creamers. I'm not just going to have amaretto, I would like to have a choice. Maybe give me some french vanilla. And the thing is sometimes when you put the different choices in front of my face I'll end up going back to the original choice. I don't know I'm just weird like that.

This whole thing made me think of God and how he apparently likes differences as well. I mean look at everything he created. I am first thinking about humans. How does that song go Jesus loves the little children all the children of the world Red, Brown, Yellow Black and White. They are precious in His sight... That right there just goes to show what I'm talking about. How God likes differences or variety. I can't even tell you how many different races are in this world. Probably a lot more than I can even count.

Let me end this writing with a fun little story that I think came to my attention because of this. As I mentioned I think God likes variety. I don't think God wants his people to be bored. He probably wants to keep them entertained.

Yesterday morning, I noticed I had Lucky charms! As soon as I saw my cereal, I quickly thought of variety. Then I said out loud I'm going to end my power series soon, next week, no maybe Monday. No, I will send my last writing about the power series Friday. Then I said I won't totally end it. I will just put it on a pause break. I told Joe I felt that the Lord was telling me, it's time to write with more variety!

THE E...

Father, thank you for giving me the words to write this series I can't wait to return and continue to write about the power of stuff!

Romans 12:4

For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function,

1 Corinthians 12:5

And there are varieties of ministries and the same Lord.

Romans 12:6

Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith;

1 Corinthians 12:4

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:6

There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons

Oh I had to come back. Shout out to Mia! Mia was this nice new Starbucks worker I meant today. Thanks Mia for accepting my card and pray you wouldn't be encouraged by the writings! See you around Starbucks! :-) 

Jesus Loves the Little Children

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