Sunday, June 23, 2019

Distraction in a Marriage

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Distractions. There can be a variety of distractions. For this writing in particular let's focus on one of the spouses work distractions. You know what I'm thinking? Maybe there's someone out there right now going through exactly that. And, they could use some words of wisdom from what the Lord wants them to do in their life.

Remember these Deep Thoughts are the Lord's words to my heart to my phone and lastly my deep thoughts from Samantha blog.

Oh I almost forget I need to give a shout out to nameless. There was this nice lady that was our waitress in Golden Nugget when we ate breakfast yesterday. We had an emergency so me and Joe had to leave abruptly so I just left the card on the table. So, nameless, I pray you will be encouraged by the writings and make it a blessed day!

I once was told that the order of priorities in a Christian's life is this. God followed by spouses, then children then occupation then ministry. You guys may or may not agree and those are your thoughts.

Is your spouse falling away from his or her priorities? .

Let me give an example. Let's say a husband

is just such a workaholic. Friends, I know what I'm talkin about. Because I have heard about or have seen with my own eyes what those distractions can do to marriages.

They kill them. Fellow spouses

If the end result is not divorce,

it ends up to be something bad. We don't want that. Right?

Yes, of course adultery and being unfaithful to your husband or wife is totally killer. However, what is equally bad is how that spouse is prioritizing the other spouse. How does that spouse feel mentally towards the other spouse and vice versa. If they do not feel like your top priority after God,

It probably would hurt. Right?

I know of a husband who really made his wife feel like the work was his priority before her. What did that do? That led her to not want to live in the same state as where him and his work was. To be honest, both the husband and the wife both had their priorities messed up. The husband was putting the work as a priority over the wife. And, the wife was putting the family as a priority before her husband.

Can you see what I'm saying about prioritizing correctly. If the husband would have prioritize the wife before his work then maybe she wouldn't have prioritized her family before her husband. They would live in the same state.

But, it didn't work out that way. So living in two different states was how it was.

You all may remember since God created Adam first oh, he had a whole set of responsibilities for him. He wanted Adam to be the provider for the wife. That is why husbands really take their work to heart. 

From my example, was my friend feeling loved and feeling like the first priority after God with her husband? I really don't think so because she wife wanted to move far away from her husband and her husband's work.
Both the husband in the wife's love and respect tank was not being filled. Making sure your priorities are intact is pretty important. Do you think?

Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her

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