Thursday, June 20, 2019

Worship Sports

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Let me share with you guys some stuff about this one deep thought I have about worship. And, that is that I believe everyone worships something. Do you guys agree with what I'm saying?

Before I continue, let me just say this. Of course I believe that our supreme act of worship should certainly be given to the Lord! However, sad to say, things do not always work out that way.

Many years ago, in today's day and age, and most likely in the coming future, people are going to constantly b worshipping. There is worshiping of sports players, sport games, actors and actresses, one's careers, spouses, significant others etc. You guys fill in the blanks. It could be anything

Whatever it is that is your choice of what to worship. What it is will probably take precedence over God. What do you think? Come to think of it now, isn't it one of the Ten Commandments something about don't worship any idol? Oh yeah.

I don't know about you folks, but maybe you will agree with me. Do you agree with me  when I say every time I let other Idols come before God, it's just bad. Meaning, something doesn't go right.

It's sad because sometimes you just get so into, "that" you forget who you really are about. 

Maybe you are watching a sports game, and it's just bad play after play. It's a blowout win so far by the opposing team. You just can't take it anymore. Stupid players are playing horribly! What do you do? You will probably turn the TV off.

Of course you will, and that makes sense. However, if you really didn't worship the game so much, you probably would have more love for the players. You would actually be enjoying the actual game. It wouldn't matter how well they were playing. You probably would be able to empathize with the players and realize that's just their bad if they mess up. Oh well, moving on....This or that wasn't meant to be? 

The game is affecting you so much that you have to turn off the TV. Minutes later, you find out there's been a total change in the momentum of the game and the team you were rooting for now 
has a commanding lead
and, will undoubtedly win this game!

What is coming to mind is this. I don't remember the name of the kicker, but I remember it was a pretty important Bears game. It may have brought them to the Super Bowl if things ended differently. The end result was it ended unsuccessfully. The Bears did not make it to the Superbowl. It was very unfortunate missing that field goal. But,  the player who missed it is still a pretty awesome human being!

I know I have shared this example I'm about to share a few times before. But, I have to say it again because it goes perfect with today's writing. I am talking about my cousin-in-law, Martin! What this man chose to do encourages me so much! As it should to you guys as well!

Martin loved watching football. But, Martin saw what watching football was doing to his spiritual life. So, Martin decided to do something. And, that is this. He just stopped watching sports. He stopped cold turkey! Did he miss watching sports? I can't speak for him. However, I'm just going to guess that he did miss it! How inspiring and encouraging was his sacrifice he chose of not watching what 
he loved, which was Sports. To reiterate, 
He saw what that was doing to his spiritual life. And, he didn't like it. He was pretty sure God didn't like it either.That's why he knew it was time for him to make a change. Yep, a pretty drastic change .

Psalm 37:4

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart

2 Peter 3:9 .

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

Leviticus 17:11 

For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.

Psalm 40:6 

In sacrifice and offering you have not delighted, but you have given me an open ear. Burnt offering and sin offering you have not required

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