Saturday, June 1, 2019


P lay for the Audio Version
I really think that some people, myself included, if not most people at times
need to, I don't know think twice about their personal self control. How about you guys? Do you guys ever need to think twice about self control?

I once read somewhere having no self-control is like a house having its doors and windows 
knocked out.

Let's go to my 'GA' aka ' Hand held Alexa' aka    'Google Assistant' 
and see how she defines self control. She says Self control is "the ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations." Yep, that sounds just about right. Pretty good definition there, Lady GA!

Self control is actually one of the characteristics that make up no fruits of the spirit. (Galatians 5:22–23).

I think we should notice, really pay attention to the fact that it is self control. Try super hard to stay away from controlling other people.The word is not control other peoplecontrol! Seriously don't even try it. It just almost
never works! 
Maybe the change will be temporary, maybe another problem will arise  piggybacking from that change.

I don't know. 
All I know is that it might just end up blowing up in your face. I repeat the only person you should try to control is your self! Let God to do the controlling of other people.

Let's say for example, I would like something to be changed about my husband. Maybe it's just something that really annoys me? Maybe it's something that would really benefit our marriage if it changes. On the flip side, maybe it's something that is slowly destroying our marriage, and we really need God's help to make a change happen? I don't knowit could be anything.

Let me share some deep Thoughts. First of all let me say that we all have annoying habits To this day I'm still trying to work on  welcoming his in our marriage.They may be annoying and I may hate them however they are from my husband whom I love so I'm sure the Lord will help me deal with them.

Do I forget the correct way to react and by showing him respect? Do i end up saying something I will regret saying? 
Will I sometimes just turn into a nagger? Oh yes many times. But the answer is that I should really stop all of .

Of course it depends on the severity of the problem. But, if it's not that bad, then wives listen up! We must be silent. We need to trust that the Lord will change your husband's heart. Why don't I listen and remember that the Lord did the same thing to my husband before? God changed his heart! All I had to do was be quiet. All I had to do was just listen! I had to do with just submit! Wives, are we following what it says in the Bible about how God wants wives to submit to their husband?

Ephesians 5:22-23 

22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.

Galatians 5:22-23

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

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