Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Freedom (Thanks AJ n BJ 4 Sharing Your Voice and Pixes included)

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Let me first give a shout out to Molly, Rachel and Joe! What a blessing! My awesome God twins, me, and Joe we're able to go to the Windy City Live taping today with their guest Chance the Rapper! We had so much fun, and took awesome pictures!

Love it! I was able to share my card with these ladies Molly, Rachel, and hopefully they share my 411 with their other nice coworker Joe!
I forgot to get one for him. Thank you for accepting my card! And I pray you guys will have a wonderful day! Oh,I almost forgot this. Shout out to this nice lady Natalie, who had given me a straw at Starbucks this morning! I pray you'll be encouraged by the writings and have a blessed day!

If you are reading or listening to this? And, you live in the United States of America? I would say you're very blessed!

People over here really do have freedom! People who stay in America have freedom to say whatever they want to whomever they want. I'm just saying they have the freedom to do that. It really depends on who you talk to I guess. Example I don't think you can go very harshly bad-mouthing the president to his face. He probably can call the police on you if you do that and hold you under contempt?, I do not know if he would do that. lt depends on the severity of the verbal abuse.

Friends, on the other hand, there are people today who don't really have freedom. It's sad because people are being forced to deny any tithes they have with Jesus Christ. If they don't do it that may even mean they would lose their life. Now, are you feeling pretty blessed to be living in America? Hearing that one can lose their life is a real wake-up call. And, it should be.

People have been trying to wreak havoc, torture, and have taken the lives of many born again Christian believers. Just because they accept God?! Well, people took away the life of Jesus just because he claimed to be God.

What comes to mind now is the bible story when King Nebuchadnezzar would tell the people to bow down and worship his God. Baal.

Basically, there was a big yellow statue placed in front of all the people. They were all to bow down to it. And, they did except for three people Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

King Nebuchadnezzar was Furious! He threw the men in a fiery furnace. But, Jesus came to the rescue and they never got burned!
Ninang Sam and B.J

Ninang Sam and A.J.

B.J., A.J., Ninang Sam

A.J.,Val, Sam, Ryan,       B.J

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