Monday, July 1, 2019

Turn Them Into This

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What on earth is Sam talking about this morning? I'm talking about turning worries into prayers. Yes, I know you guys must be thinking. Something like, "Sam? Do you really think that I will be thinking about praying when my mind is already concentrated on my worries?" And, to that, I say this.

"No probably not." I have been there. I have been at a place where I would be so wrapped up in worries that I don't even think about praying!

What I'm saying is that we should turn our worries into prayers. "Our" is including Sam. So, no I don't have any special treatment or anything from God. I have many worries too. I'm not exempt from worrying.

There are times I will forget that I should pray rather than worry. But I'm just saying that's what we should do. Praying instead of worrying.

I know right? Doesn't it seem like every day or every couple of days there's just something we worry about? Maybe it's about what we're going to wear. Maybe because we want to wear something that will keep us warm or something we can remove if we get too hot. Personally, my worries are probably far-fetched from you who are normal people worry about. Earlier this morning it was kind of worrying about if it would make a difference if I took my medicine at 9 a.m. rather than 10. Cuz I was all worried because my eyes were moving faster than normal.

See what I mean? Our worries are totally different.  Did you know that the word " Worry " is an Old English term for the word "strangle?" Very interesting right? If you really think about it when you are in the state of worrying it totally feels like you're being strangled.

Kind of like mentally strangled! Sometimes you are so wrapped up in your worries, it stops you from breathing. That's not good.  Friends, do you guys think maybe it's time to try the praying thing when you start to worry about something? How cool. I'm going to turn to prayer right now.

1 Peter 5:7

Cast all anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Philippians 4:6 

Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication present your requests to God.

1 Corinthians 10:13

No temptation he has seized you except what is common to man, and God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. 

Laura Story: Blessings

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