Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Rapture?

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Yes. The title of my writing this morning is titled "The Rapture?" Question mark intended.

Why did I purposely put a question mark? Well, not many people ever knew or doesn't know, (myself included)  when I say ever knew, what that is.

I include myself because I know I wasn't always saved. And, because of that? I never even knew or even heard of the word rapture. I know that if I did hear the word and its meaning before I got saved? I probably would be really scared. Why? Because I definitely was not ready if that were ever to happen.

I remember around the 1st year I became a born again Christian believer, I began a friendship with this girl, Joy. She was awesome! She definitely was saved a lot longer than me. We became best friends. She was a great addition to being part of the early years of my Christian life.

I remember Joy was telling me that she wanted to either make a note or verbally say to someone what was happening if ever her and her family were to ever disappear. And, that was when I first heard about the rapture.

She said that if all of the sudden her and her family were to disappear....if there was a case where so many people were to be missing from the Earth? Well, first of all I should notice what all the people missing had in common. The people missing would all be born again christians.

Then, she said what was going to be happening was this. Jesus was going to be back to Earth very soon. Before that is to happen the rapture needs to happen first. That is when all the born again christian believers will go to heaven.

Yup, the Left Behind Series did a great job putting the rapture on camera. How people just disappeared is pretty much how it is going to go down. I am remembering watching many car accidents. Because the drivers were born again Christian. And, they were being raptured.

As I got older. AS years went by. Really as life was happening. Joy and I were not close anymore.

Fast forward several years later, now what? I married my husband Joe. We live here. Joy married her husband Chris.
Joy and her husband had a boy and a girl. My husband and I were not meant to be parents. Well, at least not to humans.

God had a different plan. Yep, it was more so of being parents to a puppy. God really does know how to fill that empty void. By making me and my husband puppy aparents!

I do say that because after I had 2 DNC emergency surgeries? I pretty much knew I would never be able to bear a child. YuP.

According to God he still wanted me to have the feeling of mothering a loved one. But, he had a different plan. Acting motherly to a puppy does the job! Anyway,sorry how did I get all the way to this subject? I thought I was talking about the rapture.

So, Joy talked much about the rapture. Then I was getting more interested. She was telling me to read The Bible and look up the book of Revelation. Now, let me end with this. So, before Jesus comes back to Earth. All of his children will be raptured. Are you going to be one of the children of God that will get raptured?

Crystal  Lewis: People Get Ready

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