Friday, August 13, 2021

Don't Isolate Infiltrate

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STV:  I had to come back again. Met some really nice ladies today, at UofC.  Shout out to Anna my  nurse today. Thanks girl for finding my card.  And, thanks for letting me know about  being able to check my weight while in a wheelchair! Can't  wait till I can check it next time!  Joe is pretty sure I'm not 140 something. Lol

Shout out to resident doctor Zhu.  Thank you for taking such good notes for Doctor Mills! Thanks Myra for setting up my MRI appointment and follow up!  Thank you ladies for accepting my card And, I pray  you'll be encouraged by my writings!  Enjoy the rest of your evening!

Do you guys notice that sometimes the born again Christian believers don't really like to be around non christians.  Or, non christians don't want to be around born again Christian  believers?  Ever wonder why that was so?

Maybe, it's because they don't like them? Maybe, the non christians feel bad for themselves when they are around the Christian believers? I don't think it's something christians mean to do. It is what it is.

Maybe, it's because  Christians know that if they are around non christians, then they need to share the gospel with them.  And, they just don't feel prepared to do that.  They don't feel ready or well knowledgeable to talk to them about Christ.

Christians may feel like they don't need to do that because there are other people who are more suitable to do that like pastors or the more mature Christian  believers. Some people just don't feel like they're up to par, so to speak. 

Are you a Christian who feels any of those things? I cannot read minds. However, I have some Deep Thoughts. Check it out . 

The 1st thing I said was maybe it was because. they don't like them. Well, If that's the case there's really nothing I can do about that.  That's just quite unfortunate.

Then, it made a little bit more sense. I said it was maybe because they were scared of them. Well, coming from a Christian I can see that. Christians may feel scared that if they hang around with non christians? Perhaps the christians will not be strong enough in their walk with God to say no, when it came to  participating/doing certain things.  Things they know christians should not be doing.

I remember when I 1st became a born again Christian believer. I was in high school.  I was still hanging out  with my non Christian friends. They like to do things that I knew didn't exactly make God happy. 

I didn't get it. Why did I feel different when I continued to do things I did before. I never felt bad before. But, since I became a Christian?  I knew there was something wrong about what I was doing. I guess it was that I was starting to feel convicted.

I was a Christian so the Holy Spirit was living inside of me. The Holy Spirit was telling my heart whatever I was doing wasn't good.

Then, you have the non Christians who may feel scared to be around Christians.  Well I think it's more like they feel bad. They feel bad about what they're doing in their own lives. And, being around Christians reminds them of what they shouldn't be doing

Now, being a Christian I totally can relate to what I said about christians not feeling prepared to talk about Christ.  Yeah, I know right Samantha? Yes sometimes more often than not. 

I'm talking about sharing the gospel with people. I really need to change that. because, the Bible says we need to follow the great commission. Go into all the world and share the name of Christ!

Matthew 28:16 NIV 

Then the eleven disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.q

Romans 623

For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life

2 Corinthians 7:9-10 ESV 

As it is, I rejoice, not because you were grieved, but because you were grieved into repenting. For you felt a godly grief, so that you suffered no loss through us. For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grievances produces  death.

Ryan Stevenson: The Gospel

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