Sunday, December 12, 2021

Being TF

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The wife of Pastor Greg Laurie and fellow writer of bible devotionals like myself said it best. Well, maybe I should say wrote it best rather. I say that because I read her wise words lately in one of her devotionals. 

She straight out said this. Probably the opposite of what some may be thinking. She said being thankful is not just a one-time thing.

Being thankful is not just a once-a-day type of thing. Nope, not once a week. Nope, not just when you have turkey for lunch or dinner on the last Thursday in November either.

I am not everyone. So, it would be pretty difficult for me to tell you guys when to be thankful. I am sure you know. Well, I'm hoping you know.

Think about when someone does something nice for you. I mean they didn't have to do a thing for you. However, they just did it out of the kindness of their heart.

When something like that happens, what is your reaction? I am thinking maybe you then would feel like saying thank you? Right?

Being TF. Or, being thankful is so important. You should really begin with being thankful to Jesus for suffering and dying so that you will have life.

Did you know this? Jesus did not have to die for you. Yes, understand he is God. But, also understand that he did not have to die for us. He had a choice.

I'm sure sometimes people think this... Wait if Jesus was God? Well, then why didn't he just call out for his angels and tell them to get him off the cross. Stop on the way home at a nice place to eat. And, call it a day.

God the son knew that God the father's will was for Jesus to suffer, die, and be risen to life again.
If you read in the Bible the night before Jesus was going to get crucified and die on the cross, he really did not want to do it. He was sweating tears of blood.

He did not want to suffer and die on the cross. He asked his father something like this. "Hey, Dad I'm sure you can tell by my bloody tears that I'm super scared about tomorrow. I kind of don't want to die and suffer and get crucified on the cross tomorrow."

But, I understand it's your will for me. Just wanted to ask one more time if you could take this cup away so I wouldn't have to suffer and die and all that stuff.

I would really appreciate it. But, again it's not my will. I mean I'll do anything for the humans. You know how much I love them. This is one for the team. The human team!

God the father knew that God the Son had free will. God the father knew God the son was going to suffer and die for all mankind. He knew because well he is God! God knows everything!

Well, that's the story of Jesus in a nutshell. He did all that negative stuff. Plus raising to life for me and you.

Mark 14:36

“Abba, Father,” he cried out, “everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.

Luke 22:42

“Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of sufferi
ng away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.

 John 3:16

For God so loved in the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.

 Nicole  Nordemen: Why

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