Saturday, October 8, 2022

Not Your Fault

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Audio will be in parts.  I'm still trying to get my voice back.  Thanks.

 I know have been gone many months!  Or, maybe I should say, as you young ones like to say.  I know I have been gone for a minute. Maybe I should say long minute. I know I never really  understood that. I don't really know the logistics of using the word. I'm an 80's girl. Anyway.

Now, I'm definitely not trying to make coamparisons. Nor, am I saying one year is better than the other. I am just repeating what I saw on TikTok. 

So, yeah I totally regret my absence. A lot of reasons went into that absence.  Now, that I think of the reasons why? I definitely think they were quite stupid. What I did was I let the evil one get a foothold. He may have won last time. But the goal for me is to never stop writing again. See, God gave me the gift of writing and to encourage people. And, satan does not want me to utilize my gift or to encourage people with the word of God.  And I'm sad to say that it took me some time to realize that.  But, better late than never. So, with all that said I ask you guys to keep me in prayer that I will continue to do my writings always. Thank you! Now, let's dive in!

I think many people will be interested in what I'm going to write about today. I used to think one way. But, then I got saved and started reading the Bible. I spoke with other mature born again christian benevers.  And, I thought another way. I thought the correct way!

What is Samantha talking about?  When I was a little girl  I do remember not being very obedient.Then, I grew out of that. I know you would think I would say  I became a good obedient girl. No, No no. I just grew out of grade school.  It was  time for high school. 

When I 1st started high school,  I didn't start hanging out with the right crowd. I did things I knew  weren't right. In the back of my mind I remember  a small incident involving cops.  But, definitely nowhere near how crazy the world is today.  Not much shootings!

Before I was in a relationship with the Lord...., Before I read and studied  The Bible I thought wrong.
I am going to combine my before I was a Christian thoughts with  how my life became and is now.

I hope you understand what I mean. What I am about to say Is not how I really feel. It is not true.
Sad to say some people actually feel that way.

What I am thinking about is this.Some people actually believe that whatever they did in their past has something to do with what will happen to them in their future.  So. because of all the bad that I did  in my past?  That is why God gave me MS.

OK 1st of all I don't believe that God gave me MS.  I don't know where exactly it came from. I  have my thoughts. God allowed for me to have it.   I also know that having MS did strengthen my relationship with God!  I definitely grew closer to the Lord.

As far as the Lord punishing you, for past sins? That is just not true.  I've heard that before. I've heard people talking about themselves. I have heard from parents saying  The Lord was punishing their children because of the parents' sin.

To reiterate stop thinking like that. I mean if that's the way you think that is.  I'm talking about blaming yourself for your  Children's lifelong illness.  Because it was not your fault!  So stop racking your brain going down memory lane  Trying to remember what you did wrong in life.

OK I'm going to end this writing for now. Please feel free to check if my deep thoughts Coincide with The Bible. And definitely will be more descriptive. A very interesting story.  Well, I hope I remember how to share.

Mercy Me: Dear Younger Me

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