Of course, I am not meaning flying like a bird, but really what I am talking about is being afraid to follow the call of God. This weekend I reconnected with an old friend I have known since my teen years. :) It was kind of funny because we would have missed each other if not for Joe and I staying on the South-side to do some house sitting. See, usually after Sunday service, I wait some time for Joe to do his deacon duty. I truly believe the Lord had a plan for me and my friend to catch up! And, boy I really needed to speak to her and get some encouragement! I wasn't really having a good week, and The Lord knew how to make it better! Speaking with her and her sharing her stories totally encouraged me!
She was sharing with me that even though she does it, she hates it. And, that is flying, See, the Lord had a plan for my friend. And, even though she didn't want or really know where the future would lead, she followed and waited and asked God to lead her. My friend shared a time when she was younger and went on a short missions trip to Mexico I believe. And, she went to college with no plan of what the future would hold. Until, God spoke to her heart and said, well done my good and faithful servant! My friend knew at that moment what The Lord wanted in her future. She is now a missionary in Indonesia. She, then shared with me a few stories of people The Lord brought in her life that were touched and decided to follow Jesus! She made a great point that in the Great Commission verse, nowhere does it say we must convert people to know Christ. Friends, all we have to do is share the love of God, let people see Jesus in our lives and then it is up to them to make the choice of following Jesus.
The moral of the story is if God wants you to fly, believe and trust that He will give you the strength and I believe that He will change your heart if you ask Him. We really must be obedient children of God and know in our heart He has the perfect plan in mind for us. He wants people to hear about Him and how awesome He is. And, He chose YOU to spread the good news!
Third day: I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20 NIV)
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