Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Listen Up!

I struggle with that. I don't think I am the only one.  But, I know it and admit that I really struggle with that. It's not so bad that it is to the point of me needing some serious help.  But, I know I struggle with listening,  Do you?  It's ok if you do. I guess the "cop out" thing to say next is "oh, just pray and it will be ok."' Um, nope sorry folks it isn't always going to be ok.

I am married so I should really listen to my husband right? ( remember the whole Marriage Series and how wives should respect their husbands?") Well, probably like other wives, I seriously have difficulty in that.  I have no idea why.  I guess can I say well, I was born like that?  Nope, I don't believe that as an excuse.  I believe  I struggle with listening and I pray The Lord will help me listen better.  I know that really does sound like a cop out.  But, it's true.  That is all I can really do at first. Pray, then wait because just like if you pray for patience and The Lord answers by giving ample opportunities of waiting situations.  I also believe if you ask to be a better listener, prepare for listening activities provided by The Lord.

Here's an example. I have been praying to be a better listener,  to be submissive to my husband and respectful and really all that I haven't been but my heart really wants to, it does!  And, The Lord provided a way to practice so I can do those things. My husband and I will soon be doing an activity that will help better my situation with my health; a strict and hopefully fun exercise program with even meal plans that will help a great deal.  I really want to be able to walk somewhat normally again, and not have to grab on to walls and stuff, and especially not fall!

I am not gonna lie, I have voiced my concerns to my husband regarding his emotional affect on this.    Meaning, since he is not a physical therapist the atmosphere may be more comfortable and I told him this and that and basically all how former therapists acted. My husband angrily voiced his concerns and comments and that shut me up!  My husband said, I need you to trust me. God silenced me and my heart said listen to your husband.

Friends, if you struggle with listening like I do, I will type it again PRAY! I am excited to see how the Lord is going to honor my obedience to him.  I pray and others feel free to pray as well that this activity will be beneficial and as a wife I will be obedient.  Maybe I will be able to walk by myself again?  Oh wouldn't that be a joyous occasion!!!!

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. (‭Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭33‬ NIV)

A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭15‬:‭1‬ NASB)

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