Monday, December 8, 2014


I was always wondering if people don't believe in Jesus Christ why do they celebrate Christmas?  Ever since I was a little girl, even though it took till I was 15 to be a true believer, I always loved Christmas. I always looked forward to that time of year when I knew I would be reunited with family I haven't seen in months, eating really good food, and getting and opening presents.  It was just going to be a time of so much fun with loved  ones!

I was seriously trying to get an answer to that question. So, I asked my husband to shed some of his thoughts.  So, I asked him that question. First of all he did say the Pagans started his reasoning. He basically said something like even those who don't believe in God, see Christmas as a Pagan holiday. They put more emphasis on things like Santa Clause, presents, the decorations of this holiday, so to speak. Please don't misunderstand, I certainly don't think their is anything wrong with that. To reiterate I think those things make the holiday pretty fun.  I also remember when I was little I would be so surprised with all the people who went to church just on special holidays, like Christmas.  My husband taught me the word, " ChrEasters" 

And, with Christmas songs I hear, sometimes I am just appalled.  Don't get me wrong I enjoy and don't see anything wrong with singing certain songs. I am not thinking every Christmas song should be about praising God.  We can still sing songs like "Jingle Bells"  But, friends please be alert to what words you are saying,  That is all I will say about that. 

However, I don't think things like the focus on the Christmas tree or even some Christmas songs make Christmas,. You know what I mean?  I believe Jesus Christ makes Christmas! So, when this season comes around, I try to make sure I will not push the sole reason of Christmas off to the side, because of all the chaos of the hustle and bustle of preparing for Christmas. Please remember folks what the Christ in the word Christmas truly stands for and Christ should be in everyone's hearts all the time! So, I challenge you to ask yourself am I a ChrEaster? 

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