Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Power Series 68: Power Of Selfies

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I'm going to share something that in my mind, no doubt probably happens with a lot of people. Especially those people who don't know, or forget how the camera button on their phones work. I confess to that. I'm talking about this. I will use my husband for example. I say something like, " babe, can you take a picture of my food because it looks delicious!" Joe says, " Sure" ( is about to take the picture)... Then he is pretty startled because what he is looking at is his face on the screen. He shrieked and said, " My face!" I said, oops.

Sometimes, when I'm ready to take a picture, I do the same exact thing. And even though I don't want it to be, it will end up to be about me taking a selfie. So, all the focus is on me, me, me. Am I right guys? Has that ever happened to you?

See, we're so focused on ourselves, but what we should be focused on is Jesus or we should be focusing on telling others about Jesus. I think of when John the Baptist was baptizing people, and people were so amazed by him. John was so humble and was telling them that there's another man that was supposed to come after him. That man was Jesus. John was telling people that this man was greater than even him.

We, people tend to do that a lot don't we? Well, at least I do personally. I really don't know about you guys. What I'm talking about is this. The focus is more on ourselves, instead of a wedding on Jesus or being on telling people about Jesus.

I'm thinking there are times I'm so focused on what I personally want. What my wants are, and what my needs are. I just somewhat choose to listen to my damaged spiritual nature and forget who is really the Supreme boss around my life.

What I really should do is talk to God first. Ask him to reveal to me what he believes is my true needs. Yes, that's what I should do. But I don't. Well, at least I don't do it all the time. I'm not talking about audibly. I'm talking about heartily. Believe me, if you know Jesus then you will feel what he's trying to say in your heart.  To reiterate, John says that Jesus should become greater and we should become less.  We really can be so self-focused that we forget where the focus should really be.
"We can become so self-focused we lose sight of the bigger picture of God’s plan."
" Anne Cetas : Our Daily Bread"
John 3:30 New Living Translation (NLT)
30 He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less
