Friday, February 1, 2019

Power Series Part 64: Power Of God's Love

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Let me start this writing with three pretty awesome of sacrificial love shown to us by Jesus Christ. 

Wait a minute. I forgot to give a shout out to Lee! Thank you Lee for telling the Starbucks people I needed hot water. I pray you will be encouraged by the writings! Have an awesome weekend!
1. The first one and I think the best one of all is this. The death of Jesus Christ for all humankind really shows how much he loves us! Even if we don't believe him, he loves us. I'm sure he wants us to believe in him and have a relationship with him. But, if we choose not to he still loves us. I'm not saying those who don't have that relationship with Jesus won't have to suffer the consequence, He deeply mentioned in his Word.
All I'm saying is that he loves us!

2. The second way of how Jesus shows sacrificial love was this. How about
when God mentioned in the Bible about how Jesus still showed Love To the man who totally betrayed him. I'm talking about Judas Iscariot. I don't remember reading anything about Jesus cussing Judas out or just totally being angry with him. Do you? No, because once again Jesus loved him!

3. The last thing I can think
of is this. Now I'm sure there's many more others but this is all I can think of. Remember when Jesus said that Peter would deny Jesus three times, and Peter said that he would not do that. But the reality was that Peter did deny Jesus. Oh yeah, Jesus could have totally been like, "I told you so!" Again, Jesus could have been mad at Peter, But he wasn't mad at him because he loved him.

Are you smart ones, getting what I'm trying to hi-light in my reading today? If not let me tell you. It's simple, the plain, and beautiful truth is that God loves you!

God loves each and every one of us, and what he wants is for us to love each and everyone else. Love one another! 
How will they know? They will know we are Christians by our love by our love yes they know we are Christians by our love!

We should ask ourselves this. Are we giving off a good depiction of how life is like with Jesus Christ? Friends, people should know we are Christians by our love by our love. Yes, they will know we are Christians by our love!

Amazing Love

For King & Country: By Our Love


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