Sunday, March 3, 2019

Power Series Part 92: Power Of Money

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Rich Man story
Matthew 16:19 - 30

I once heard an interesting story. Maybe you heard about this. Or maybe not. There was a millionaire named Forrest Fenn who had left a box of jewels and gold worth up to 2 million dollars somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. Apparently, many people went in search of it. Four people even lost their lives because of this crazy journey of trying to find the hidden away riches that was said to promise wealth if found.

Wow, just thinking about that makes me think of how crazy that really sounds.  Who would do that? Would you do that? Apparently, there just happens to be people out there that will do that. Well, whatever.  Whatever floats their boat, I guess. So to speak.

Just goes to show me that there really seems to be power when it comes to money. Very sad. And, apparently, very true. Wow, oh what people do for money. The sad thing is there are some people out there that forget money can't go with them when they die and leave this earth.

Please don't misunderstand. I am not saying it is a sin or it's bad to be rich and have lots of money. No, if you are rich then, oh wow, how God blessed you! What you do with your riches is between you and the Lord. One really shouldn't have to risk their lives like those four people who died looking for money. I don't think the Lord would want us to risk our lives or something. He will give us riches if he wills.

The Bible story of the rich man comes to mind. Jesus was asking the man to come and be one of Jesus's followers. Jesus said all the man had to do was 1 thing. And, that was to leave his riches behind. The rich man didn't want to do it because he had many riches.

Jesus was saying how it was so hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Harder than putting a camel through an eye of a needle. Or, something like that. I shared that story in the beginning of my writing. I do not want to leave out anything.

So yes, if you didn't realize it before then I hope you do now. That my friends is there is definitely power when it comes to money. Let me leave you guys with this challenge. Ponder about all I said in this reading. Then ask yourself how exactly is the power of money affecting your own life? Is the power of money a deterrent when it comes to you accepting Jesus into your own life?

Toby Mac: Lose My Sou

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