Saturday, May 4, 2019

Bad Words...Not Those

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You all are probably thinking that the writing today is going to most likely be about cussing like swearing. Are you thinking that is what I mean when I'm saying bad words? Yes, words in that manner are definitely considered bad. However, for this writing, I'm going to be speaking about bad words like as in giving false testimony in your words. I would say
those kind of words would be considered bad. Am I correct?

I am pretty sure that many of you who are reading this right now and myself included have fallen in this deep pit of "bad words." That's the question. Have we  ever given false testimony? The evidence that we put forth was not congruent to our words we said?

I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty sure when someone doesn't do what they say that ticks you off. That certainly doesn't make me too happy. The word, " Liar" comes to mind. 

You guys don't like to deal with that kind of stuff. I don't like to deal with that. So many verses in the Bible can say how God feels about that. And he does not like it very much. No, I think I should rephrase that and say, God really doesn't like that. He doesn't like that more than very much. God doesn't like that at all. 

So, what should we do about that? Easy. Don't do it. LOL more like easier said than done right? Okay, then let me say try your best not to do it? Ease your way and gradually slowly try to hit the goal of never doing it? I think a really big help would be ask God to help you  if you really want to stop doing the false testimony thing. And, see what he can do. But that's just what I think.

1 John 3:18

Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

Exodus 20:16

Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Zach Williams: Fear Is A Liar

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