Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Can We Rejoice?

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... I'm thinking the same thing. Yep my sentiments exactly. What on Earth do I mean by my title? Got to give this much prayer because I have no idea where to go with this. You know when you kind of like have thoughts that are deep in the back of your mind but you just can't get it to the front of your mind? Yes that's what's happening right now.

If you guys are reading this and kept asking yourself if you can rejoice, what is your answer? What are you even rejoicing over? Maybe, the real question is why can't you rejoice? Especially, if whatever is happening in one's life, is totally worth being rejoiced over. Do you guys ever feel like that?

If you guys personally know me, you probably think I'm a pretty joyful, happy person. Because that's what you see on the outside. That's what you see on the other side of the closed-door. Right? All I will say about that is that I don't think that's right. Because, that would just go into me being a perfect person. And those types of people do not exist.

I know there are fellow wives out there, or not wives but just people. Peole in various walks in their life who know exactly what I am getting at! For some people, it is difficult for them to crack a smile. I've heard it just hurts when they smile. Yes, that is very sad to hear.

It kind of sucks because the other party may end up feeling like a failure. The intent was to make you rejoice, but since it's so hard for you to crack that smile oh, you are making the other party confused, possibly will become very angry. I don't think anyone likes feeling like a failure.So, it really is up to us. It is up to us to turn that frown upside down. Then maybe in the inside you're crying out to God because, you genuinely are not in a rejoiceful mood.

However, if you show that you are hurt, annoyed, frustrated, sad or any of the like negative feelings, you definitely do not want to show that to other people. You don't want them to piggy  back and catch your negativity.

I know it's difficult sometimes. Please don't misunderstand. Of course there will be times you, me, we will need a friend to actually listen to our heartaches and maybe pray for us or pray with us. You guys are smart people. You'll know when that isolation should take place.

So, yeah life is not always going to  pretty rainbows, so to speak. Are we 
really surprised?

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world

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