Thursday, July 4, 2019

Revisiting the Act Of Worrying

Play for the Audio Version

First of all let me say happy 4th of July! Happy Independence Day! Or, for you people who are in the workforce and if you chose not to work today, I will say this. Happy day off of work day! You guys get the gist!

I am thinking some of you probably are thinking, Sam! I thought you were only going to talk about encouraging words! Yes, I know that thoughts about worrying isn't exactly encouraging. No, you are exactly right. However,
I think you should give me some leeway, because once in a blue moon I like to also write about "truth." And, sorry to say at times the truth sometines hurts.

So, nope I'm not going to sugar coat that which is the genuine truth and end up writing about Deep Thoughts that are really lies. Talk about ruining my credibility. Right? No I'm not like that.

I once heard a
very interesting statistic. And, that is this. 85% of all the stuff we are worrying about doesn't even happen. So, I guess worrying about things too much is really a waste of our time. Isn't that interesting?

My beloved friends, let's look at God's facts for life on Earth. We know and probably have shared the depressing ordeal
of watching our loved ones die. We know people do not live forever! Nope, yes Isabella Rossellini was just acting when she was saying she was going to live forever in the movie, " Death Becomes Her." ( lol side note).

Anyway, I think the best thing to get out of this reading is this: To know the Lord will be with you any time you are going through your difficulty.

We are going to go through much hardship in life. Jesus said, " in this world we will have trouble." However, we have to take heart. Because he says, "But he has overcome the world!"

Love it! Pastor Greg Laurie put this in one of his writings. He said we may be living in the land of the dying. But, we are moving to the land of the living! Yes! Something like that. :)

John 16:33

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."

1 Peter 5:7

Cast all anxiety and him because he cares for you

Brian Doerksen : You Shine

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