Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Faith Way

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Happy Saturday everyone! I apologize for not having a writing yesterday. Y'all don't want to know what I went through yesterday! Oh, but I did go through some good stuff. 

Shout out to Mary! I was at Starbucks yesterday and she was this nice woman who was sitting at the end of the long table. 

Shout out to Maria! Thank you girl, for getting me a straw and thanks for accepting my card! 

Oh and I haven't done this in a while. I rode my Pace Paratransit. 
This nice woman named Brenda  was our driver . We gladly utilized the ride so we can get a ride back to the condo. Once we got there, we just waited outside till my nice lady physical therapist, Megan 
came over! It was so beautiful outside yesterday, we decided to have therapy outside across the street from the condo at the park!

Of course, I also  was able to give  a card to Megan! Thank you ladies for accepting my card and I pray that you will be so encouraged by my writings! Have a beautiful Saturday!

Let's dive in! Just this past Thursday around 5:30am, ( For you new people, yes my husband and I are early risers. We both wake up around 3 something in the morning. I'll explain in another writing probably).

Anyway,  it was around 5:50. I was on the couch. Joe had already left for work. I had to go number 2 and there was no one there to help me. So, not a problem because I just did it on the couch. Got you! I didnt do that. Just seeing if you're paying attention . :-) 

What I did do was this. I put my seated walker in front of the coffee table so it would lean against it and have more stability. Then, I tried to stand up but it wasn't happening. So, I rested for a few and prayed for some people including me. Then, it was like a wave of strength came over me out of nowhere and I was able to stand up and get seated on the walker. 

Then, I started to do my thing and scooch backwards to the bathroom grabbing anything and everything I could see around me to help strengthen my push to move back. Then. 
I got to the toilet  and Yay,  I did it! Once I did my thing I felt relieved and now it was time for my journey back to the couch.

That was a long tiring trip.I stayed sitting down on a wooden chair for a while and started doing my writing for that day. So, that was able to kill some time.

Then, I let myself fall on the floor because I was tired of sitting on the wooden chair. It was hard on my butt. I moved the walker aside, I moved the chair aside and it fell. oops Then, I later found out the floor was pretty hard too. ( Note to self leave pillows or blankets around this area in cases that ever happens again). I was on the floor safe! Thank God I was just chilling on the floor. :-) I had my blow dryer 
for my feet next to me and my phone, so I was all good!

Finally Glady came! I scared the living day lights out of her. She thought I fell because she saw me and the chair on the floor. After she calmed down and I explained what really happened she picked me up and put me on the couch so I can relax.

Today, Saturday. I didn't really have that much of an adventure. But, I did scooch the chair after using the bathroom all the way to the couch. But, this time I didn't have my phone to do my writing. So, once I got seated on the couch 
I called for Joe and he came and brought my phone. He saw that I had once again brought the chair by the couch. All he had to say was, "you and your adventures!" SMH Good job! Then back to the other room to sleep he went.

I know all the things I did last Thursday or even today, actually or any other day I decide to make my morning adventures. Not exactly the safe way, but you better believe that during my journey I was shouting out God's name and praising him! I think this is the perfect example of not being the safe way but the faith way!

Revelation 21:4

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Romans 8:18 

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

1 Peter 4:12-19

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name. ...

Psalm 41:3

The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.

Job 30:17 

The night racks my bones, and the pain that gnaws me takes no rest.

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

1 Peter 4:19

Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.

Jeremiah 15:18 

Why is my pain unceasing, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? Will you be to me like a deceitful brook, like waters that fail?

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